Title: | C3S Quality Control Tools for Historical Climate Data |
Description: | Quality control and formatting tools developed for the Copernicus Data Rescue Service. The package includes functions to handle the Station Exchange Format (SEF), various statistical tests for climate data at daily and sub-daily resolution, as well as functions to plot the data. For more information and documentation see <https://datarescue.climate.copernicus.eu/st_data-quality-control>. |
Authors: | Yuri Brugnara [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Yuri Brugnara <[email protected]> |
License: | Apache License 2.0 |
Version: | 1.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-01 06:07:59 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ybrugnara/dataresqc |
Observations of pressure and temperature for the city of Bern (Switzerland) for the period 1800-1827.
A list of data frames (one data frame per variable). The format of the data frames is that required by the QC functions.
Institute of Geography - University of Bern
Check compliance with SEF guidelines
check_sef(file = file.choose())
check_sef(file = file.choose())
file |
Character string giving the path of the SEF file. |
TRUE if no errors are found, FALSE otherwise.
For more information on error/warning messages produced by this function see the SEF documentation.
Yuri Brugnara
Considers as outliers all values falling outside a range between,
for example, p25 - 3 interquartile ranges and p75 + 3 interquartile
The number of interquantile ranges can be modified through the parameter
climatic_outliers( Data, meta = NULL, outpath, IQR = NA, bplot = FALSE, outfile = NA, ... )
climatic_outliers( Data, meta = NULL, outpath, IQR = NA, bplot = FALSE, outfile = NA, ... )
Data |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a matrix with 5 (7) columns for daily (sub-daily) data: variable code, year, month, day, (hour), (minute), value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
Interquantile range used to define outliers. By default it is 5 for precipitation, 3 for air temperature, and 4 for any other variable. |
bplot |
If TRUE, create a boxplot and print it into a PDF. |
outfile |
Filename for the plot. Ignored if |
... |
Graphical parameters passed to the function |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF). This function works with any numerical variable.
Zeroes are automatically excluded in bounded variables such as precipitation.
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
climatic_outliers(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), IQR = 4)
climatic_outliers(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), IQR = 4)
Download a GHCN-Daily data file from the Climate Explorer and convert it into the Station Exchange Format
climexp_to_sef(url, outpath)
climexp_to_sef(url, outpath)
url |
Character string giving the url of the data file. |
outpath |
Character string giving the path where to save the file. |
Yuri Brugnara
Converts pressure observations made with a mercury barometer to SI units. If geographical coordinates are given, a gravity correction is applied. If attached temperature is given, a temperature correction is applied.
convert_pressure(p, f = 1, lat = NA, alt = NA, atb = NULL)
convert_pressure(p, f = 1, lat = NA, alt = NA, atb = NULL)
p |
A numerical vector of barometer observations in any unit of length. |
f |
Conversion factor to mm (e.g., 25.4 for English inches). |
lat |
Station latitude (degrees North in decimal). |
alt |
Station altitude (metres). Assumed zero if not given. Ignored if
atb |
A vector of the attached temperature observations in Celsius. |
A numerical vector of pressure values in hPa.
Yuri Brugnara
WMO, 2008: Guide to meteorological instruments and methods of observation, WMO-No. 8, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva.
convert_pressure(760) # Gives a standard pressure of 1013.25 hPa convert_pressure(760, lat=70, alt=100) # Gives a higher pressure because of higher g convert_pressure(760, lat=70, alt=100, atb=20) # Gives a lower pressure because the # temperature correction is larger than # the gravity correction.
convert_pressure(760) # Gives a standard pressure of 1013.25 hPa convert_pressure(760, lat=70, alt=100) # Gives a higher pressure because of higher g convert_pressure(760, lat=70, alt=100, atb=20) # Gives a lower pressure because the # temperature correction is larger than # the gravity correction.
Find the daily maximum, minimum, precipitation, mean wind direction, mean wind speed, snow cover and snow depth that exceed thresholds selected by the user. The output is a list with the days in which Tx, Tn, rr, dd, w, sc, sd or fs exceeds some threshold.
daily_out_of_range( dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, tmax_upper = 45, tmax_lower = -30, tmin_upper = 30, tmin_lower = -40, rr_upper = 200, rr_lower = 0, w_upper = 30, w_lower = 0, dd_upper = 360, dd_lower = 0, sc_upper = 100, sc_lower = 0, sd_upper = 200, sd_lower = 0, fs_upper = 100, fs_lower = 0 )
daily_out_of_range( dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, tmax_upper = 45, tmax_lower = -30, tmin_upper = 30, tmin_lower = -40, rr_upper = 200, rr_lower = 0, w_upper = 30, w_lower = 0, dd_upper = 360, dd_lower = 0, sc_upper = 100, sc_lower = 0, sd_upper = 200, sd_lower = 0, fs_upper = 100, fs_lower = 0 )
dailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
tmax_upper |
is the tx maximum threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, tmax_upper = 45 C. |
tmax_lower |
is the tx minimum threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, tmax_lower = -30 C. |
tmin_upper |
is the tn maximum threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, tmin_upper = 30 C. |
tmin_lower |
is the tn minimum threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, tmin_lower = -40 C. |
rr_upper |
is the rr maximum threshold in millimetres. By default, rr_upper = 200 mm. |
rr_lower |
is the rr minimum threshold in millimetres. By default, rr_lower = 0 mm. |
w_upper |
is the w maximum threshold in metres per second. By default, w_upper = 30 m/s. |
w_lower |
is the w mimumum threshold in metres per second. By default, w_lower = 0 m/s. |
dd_upper |
is the dd maximum threshold in degrees North. By default, dd_upper = 360. |
dd_lower |
is the dd minimum threshold in degrees North. By default, dd_lower = 0. |
sc_upper |
is the sc maximum threshold in percent. By default, sc_upper = 100%. |
sc_lower |
is the sc minimum threshold in percent. By default, sc_lower = 0%. |
sd_upper |
is the sd maximum threshold in centimetres. By default, sd_upper = 200 cm. |
sd_lower |
is the sd minimum threshold in centimetres. By default, sd_lower = 0 cm. |
fs_upper |
is the fs maximum threshold in centimetres. By default, fs_upper = 100 cm. |
fs_lower |
is the fs minimum threshold in centimetres. By default, fs_lower = 0 cm. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
daily_out_of_range(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), tmin_upper = 25)
daily_out_of_range(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), tmin_upper = 25)
Report occurrences of equal consecutive values in daily data.
daily_repetition(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, n = 4)
daily_repetition(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, n = 4)
dailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
n |
Number of minimum equal consecutive values required for a flag. The default is 4. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Zeroes are automatically excluded in bounded variables such as precipitation.
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
daily_repetition(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir(), n = 3)
daily_repetition(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir(), n = 3)
Looks for data that have been digitized twice by mistake. For sud-daily data, this is done by looking for series of zero differences between adjacent observation times. For daily data, by looking for series of zero differences between the same days of adjacent months.
duplicate_columns(Data, meta = NULL, outpath, ndays = 5)
duplicate_columns(Data, meta = NULL, outpath, ndays = 5)
Data |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a matrix with 5 (7) columns for daily (sub-daily) data: variable code, year, month, day, (hour), (minute), value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
ndays |
Number of consecutive days with zero difference required to flag the data. The default is 5. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF). This function works with any numerical variable.
Zeroes are automatically excluded in bounded variables such as precipitation.
Yuri Brugnara
climatic_outliers(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), ndays = 3)
climatic_outliers(Rosario$Tn, Meta$Tn, outpath = tempdir(), ndays = 3)
Flag dates that appear more than once in daily data.
duplicate_dates(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
duplicate_dates(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
dailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
duplicate_dates(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir())
duplicate_dates(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir())
Flag times that appear more than once.
duplicate_times(subdailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
duplicate_times(subdailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
subdailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 7-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
duplicate_times(Bern$p, Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Bern"),], outpath = tempdir())
duplicate_times(Bern$p, Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Bern"),], outpath = tempdir())
Applicable to a series (daily or sub-daily) of relative humidity (rh) in percent or to a series of cloud cover (n) in percent or oktas.
impossible_values(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
impossible_values(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
series |
A character string giving the path of the SEF file, or a five or seven-column (daily or subdaily) data frame with the series. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
A SEF file or a data frame and metadata. The observations data frame must have five or seven columns: variable code, year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), (hour (HH), minute (MM)), observation.
A text file of flagged observations with six or eight columns: variable code, year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), (hour (HH), minute (MM)), observation, test. The test column has the description "gross_errors".
The flagged observations correspond to values that don't belong to the integer interval (0, 100) if the unit is percent or that don't belong to the integer interval (0, 9) if the unit is oktas.
Clara Ventura, Yuri Brugnara
impossible_values(series = Rosario$n, meta = Meta$n, outpath = tempdir()) impossible_values(series = Rosario$rh, meta = Meta$rh, outpath = tempdir())
impossible_values(series = Rosario$n, meta = Meta$n, outpath = tempdir()) impossible_values(series = Rosario$rh, meta = Meta$rh, outpath = tempdir())
Determines the coherence between daily maximum temperature (Tx) values and daily minimum temperature (Tn) values; daily wind speed (w) and wind direction (dd); daily snow cover (sc) and snow depth (sd); daily fresh snow (fs) and snow depth (sd); daily fresh snow (fs) and minimum temperature (Tn); daily snow depth (sd) and minimum temperature (Tn).
internal_consistency(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
internal_consistency(dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath)
dailydata |
A character vector giving the paths of two input files, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
meta |
A data frame with 2 rows and 6 columns: station ID, latitude,
longitude, altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
The daily minimum temperature is assumed to be observed at the same time of the snow depth / fresh snow, and to refer to the same 24-hour period. Snow accumulation is flagged if the minimum temperature is higher than 3 degrees Celsius.
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
internal_consistency(rbind(Rosario$Tx, Rosario$Tn), rbind(Meta$Tx, Meta$Tn), outpath = tempdir())
internal_consistency(rbind(Rosario$Tx, Rosario$Tn), rbind(Meta$Tx, Meta$Tn), outpath = tempdir())
Metadata for the stations of Bern and Rosario de Santa Fe
A list of data frames (one data frame per variable)
Institute of Geography - University of Bern
Plot daily data points for custom intervals.
plot_daily( dailydata, len = 1, outfile, startyear = NA, endyear = NA, miss = TRUE, units = NA, ... )
plot_daily( dailydata, len = 1, outfile, startyear = NA, endyear = NA, miss = TRUE, units = NA, ... )
dailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
len |
Integer indicating the number of years shown in each panel. |
outfile |
Character string giving the path of the output pdf file. |
startyear |
First year to plot. If not indicated, all available years
until |
endyear |
Last year to plot. If not indicated, all available years
since |
miss |
If TRUE (the default), missing data are plotted as red crosses at the bottom of the plot. |
units |
Character string giving the units (will be printed in the y-axis). If
... |
Graphical parameters passed to the function |
The input file must follow the C3S Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Missing data are shown as red dots at the bottom of the plot.
Stefan Hunziker, Yuri Brugnara
Hunziker et al., 2017: Identifying, attributing, and overcoming common data quality issues of manned station observations. Int. J. Climatol, 37: 4131-4145.
Hunziker et al., 2018: Effects of undetected data quality issues on climatological analyses. Clim. Past, 14: 1-20.
plot_daily(Rosario$Tx, len = 2, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test.pdf"))
plot_daily(Rosario$Tx, len = 2, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test.pdf"))
Plot year-by-year distribution of the decimals in order to investigate the actual reporting resolution.
plot_decimals(Data, outfile, startyear = NA, endyear = NA)
plot_decimals(Data, outfile, startyear = NA, endyear = NA)
Data |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5 or 7-column matrix (depending on data type) with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, (hour), (minute), value. |
outfile |
Character string giving the path of the output pdf file. |
startyear |
First year to plot. If not indicated, all available years
until |
endyear |
Last year to plot. If not indicated, all available years
since |
The input file must follow the C3S Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Only the first digit after the decimal point is analysed. If there is more than one digit, the data will be rounded to the first decimal place.
For precipitation and other bounded variables one needs to remove the values at the boundaries from the input data (e.g., zeros for precipitation).
Stefan Hunziker, Yuri Brugnara
Hunziker et al., 2017: Identifying, attributing, and overcoming common data quality issues of manned station observations. Int. J. Climatol, 37: 4131-4145.
Hunziker et al., 2018: Effects of undetected data quality issues on climatological analyses. Clim. Past, 14: 1-20.
plot_decimals(Rosario$Tx, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test.pdf"))
plot_decimals(Rosario$Tx, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test.pdf"))
Plot sub-daily data points divided by month.
plot_subdaily( subdailydata, year = NA, outfile, fixed = TRUE, units = NA, time_offset = 0, ... )
plot_subdaily( subdailydata, year = NA, outfile, fixed = TRUE, units = NA, time_offset = 0, ... )
subdailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 7-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
year |
Integer vector giving the year(s) to plot. If not specified (NA), all available years will be plotted. One pdf per year will be created. |
outfile |
Character string giving the path of the output pdf file. If
fixed |
If TRUE (default), use the same y axis for all months. If FALSE, the axis limits are set based on the data range of each month. |
units |
Character string giving the units (will be printed in the y-axis).
If |
time_offset |
Numeric vector of offsets in hours to be applied to the observation times. Recycled if only one value is given. The default is no offset, i.e. UTC times for SEF input. |
... |
Graphical parameters passed to the function |
Creates one pdf for each year plotted.
The input file must follow the C3S Station Exchange Format (SEF).
The parameter time_offset
can be used to plot observations in local time
when reading the data in SEF.
Stefan Hunziker, Yuri Brugnara
Hunziker et al., 2017: Identifying, attributing, and overcoming common data quality issues of manned station observations. Int. J. Climatol, 37: 4131-4145.
Hunziker et al., 2018: Effects of undetected data quality issues on climatological analyses. Clim. Past, 14: 1-20.
plot_subdaily(Bern$p, year = 1803:1804, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test"))
plot_subdaily(Bern$p, year = 1803:1804, outfile = paste0(tempdir(),"/test"))
Check if there is a significant weekly cycle in daily precipitation data by means of a binomial test.
plot_weekly_cycle(dailypcp, outpath, p = 0.95)
plot_weekly_cycle(dailypcp, outpath, p = 0.95)
dailypcp |
A character vector giving the paths of the input files, or a list of 5-column matrices with following columns: variable code (must be 'rr'), year, month, day, value. The names of the list elements are assumed to be the station IDs. |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the output files. |
p |
Probability threshold for the binomial test (default is 0.95). |
The input files must follow the C3S Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Creates one pdf for each station ('weekly.ID.pdf') plus one pdf with an overview of the entire dataset ('weekly.pdf').
Stefan Hunziker, Yuri Brugnara
Hunziker et al., 2017: Identifying, attributing, and overcoming common data quality issues of manned station observations. Int. J. Climatol, 37: 4131-4145.
Hunziker et al., 2018: Effects of undetected data quality issues on climatological analyses. Clim. Past, 14: 1-20.
plot_weekly_cycle(list(Rosario = Rosario$rr), outpath = tempdir())
plot_weekly_cycle(list(Rosario = Rosario$rr), outpath = tempdir())
Perform all quality tests at once on multiple stations and multiple variables.
qc(Data, Metadata = NULL, outpath, time_offset = 0)
qc(Data, Metadata = NULL, outpath, time_offset = 0)
Data |
Either a character vector of paths to SEF files, a data frame or a list of data frames with 7 columns (one data frame for each station): variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. Each data frame can contain more than one variable code. |
Metadata |
A data frame with 7 columns: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units, resolution. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path where the output is saved. |
time_offset |
Numerical vector (of length 1 or equal to the number of analysed stations) of the number of hours to add to the time to obtain local time. This is used for tests on day and night temperature. Recycled for all stations if only one value is given. Data not stored in SEF files (i.e., not in UTC) are typically already expressed in local time: in this case the offset is zero (the default). |
This is a wrapper of all functions that can be applied to the variables given
in Data
(except the plotting functions).
can include any supported variable (see Variables) from
different stations. The algorithm
will select the tests that can be applied to each variable. Note that some
tests require more than one variable from the same station.
This function produces flag files (one for each variable at each station). The filenames follow the standard 'qc_<stationID>_<varcode>_<resolution>.txt'. Each files contains a table of flagged values, with the last column indicating the tests failed by each flagged observation.
The flag files can be edited by hand to remove or add flags. The flags can then be added to the 'Meta' column of SEF files by using the function write_flags.
The tests will use their default parameters (e.g. thresholds). To use custum parameters run the tests one by one.
Yuri Brugnara
# Testing all variables for Rosario de Santa Fe # Create a data frame with all data from list Rosario # For daily data we need to add the hour and minute columns (NAs) Ros <- Rosario Ros$Tx[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros$Tn[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros$rr[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros <- do.call("rbind", Ros) Ros <- Ros[, c("Var","Year","Month","Day","Hour","Minute","Value")] # Create a data frame with metadata including data resolution df_meta <- do.call("rbind", Meta) df_meta <- df_meta[which(df_meta$id=="Rosario"), ] df_meta$res <- c("s", "s", "d", "d", "s", "s", "d", rep("s",4)) # Run all qc tests at once # Time for Rosario is in UTC, therefore an offset is needed to get local time qc(Ros, df_meta, outpath = tempdir(), time_offset=-4.28) # Testing one variable at one station qc(Bern$ta, cbind(Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Bern"),],"s"), outpath = tempdir(), time_offset=0)
# Testing all variables for Rosario de Santa Fe # Create a data frame with all data from list Rosario # For daily data we need to add the hour and minute columns (NAs) Ros <- Rosario Ros$Tx[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros$Tn[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros$rr[,c("Hour","Minute")] <- NA Ros <- do.call("rbind", Ros) Ros <- Ros[, c("Var","Year","Month","Day","Hour","Minute","Value")] # Create a data frame with metadata including data resolution df_meta <- do.call("rbind", Meta) df_meta <- df_meta[which(df_meta$id=="Rosario"), ] df_meta$res <- c("s", "s", "d", "d", "s", "s", "d", rep("s",4)) # Run all qc tests at once # Time for Rosario is in UTC, therefore an offset is needed to get local time qc(Ros, df_meta, outpath = tempdir(), time_offset=-4.28) # Testing one variable at one station qc(Bern$ta, cbind(Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Bern"),],"s"), outpath = tempdir(), time_offset=0)
Read metadata from the Station Exchange Format version 1.0.0
read_meta(file = file.choose(), parameter = NULL)
read_meta(file = file.choose(), parameter = NULL)
file |
Character string giving the path of the data file. |
parameter |
Character vector of required parameters. Accepted
values are |
A character vector with the required parameters.
Yuri Brugnara
Read data files in Station Exchange Format version 1.0.0
read_sef(file = file.choose(), all = FALSE)
read_sef(file = file.choose(), all = FALSE)
file |
Character string giving the path of the SEF file. |
all |
If FALSE (the default), omit the columns 'Period' and 'Meta' (also 'Hour' and 'Minute' for non-instantaneous data) |
A data frame with up to 9 variables, depending on whether
is set to TRUE.
The variables are: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute,
value, period, metadata.
Yuri Brugnara
Observations of minimum and maximum temperature, wind direction, cloud cover, pressure, precipitation, air temperature, wet bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, and wind speed for the city of Rosario de Santa Fe (Argentina) for the period 1886-1900.
A list of data frames (one data frame per variable). The format of the data frames is that required by the QC functions.
Find the subdaily temperature (ta), wind speed (w), wind direction (dd), snow cover (sc), snow depth (sd) and fresh snow (fs) values that exceed thresholds selected by the user. The output is a list with the days in which ta, rr, dd, w, sc, sd or fs exceeds some threshold.
subdaily_out_of_range( subdailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, time_offset = 0, ta_day_upper = 45, ta_day_lower = -35, ta_night_upper = 40, ta_night_lower = -40, rr_upper = 100, rr_lower = 0, w_upper = 50, w_lower = 0, dd_upper = 360, dd_lower = 0, sc_upper = 100, sc_lower = 0, sd_upper = 200, sd_lower = 0, fs_upper = 100, fs_lower = 0 )
subdaily_out_of_range( subdailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, time_offset = 0, ta_day_upper = 45, ta_day_lower = -35, ta_night_upper = 40, ta_night_lower = -40, rr_upper = 100, rr_lower = 0, w_upper = 50, w_lower = 0, dd_upper = 360, dd_lower = 0, sc_upper = 100, sc_lower = 0, sd_upper = 200, sd_lower = 0, fs_upper = 100, fs_lower = 0 )
subdailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 7-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
time_offset |
Offset in hours to add to the time to obtain local time. By default, time_offset = 0. |
ta_day_upper |
is the ta maximum day threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, ta_day_upper = 45 C. |
ta_day_lower |
is the ta minimum day threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, ta_day_lower = -35 C. |
ta_night_upper |
is the ta maximum night threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, ta_night_upper = 40 C. |
ta_night_lower |
is the ta minimum night threshold in degrees Celsius. By default, ta_night_lower = -40 C. |
rr_upper |
is the rr maximum threshold in millimetres. By default, rr_upper = 100 mm. |
rr_lower |
is the rr minimum threshold in millimetres. By default, rr_lower = 0 mm. |
w_upper |
is the w maximum threshold in metres per second. By default, w_upper = 50 m/s. |
w_lower |
is the w mimumum threshold in metres per second. By default, w_lower = 0 m/s. |
dd_upper |
is the dd maximum threshold in degrees North. By default, dd_upper = 360. |
dd_lower |
is the dd minimum threshold in degrees North. By default, dd_lower = 0. |
sc_upper |
is the sc maximum threshold in percent. By default, sc_upper = 100%. |
sc_lower |
is the sc minimum threshold in percent. By default, sc_lower = 0%. |
sd_upper |
is the sd maximum threshold in centimetres. By default, sd_upper = 200 cm. |
sd_lower |
is the sd minimum threshold in centimetres. By default, sd_lower = 0 cm. |
fs_upper |
is the fs maximum threshold in centimetres. By default, fs_upper = 100 cm. |
fs_lower |
is the fs minimum threshold in centimetres. By default, fs_lower = 0 cm. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
subdaily_out_of_range(Rosario$ta, Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir(), time_offset = -4.28, ta_day_upper = 35)
subdaily_out_of_range(Rosario$ta, Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir(), time_offset = -4.28, ta_day_upper = 35)
Report occurrences of equal consecutive values in subdaily data.
subdaily_repetition(subdailydata = file.choose(), meta = NULL, outpath, n = 6)
subdaily_repetition(subdailydata = file.choose(), meta = NULL, outpath, n = 6)
subdailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 7-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
n |
Number of minimum equal consecutive values required for a flag. The default is 6. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Zeroes are automatically excluded in bounded variables such as precipitation.
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
subdaily_repetition(Rosario$ta, Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir(), n = 3)
subdaily_repetition(Rosario$ta, Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir(), n = 3)
Find those records where daily maximum or minimum temperature, mean wind speed, snow depth, snow cover, or fresh snow differences with previous day are too large.
temporal_coherence( dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, temp_jumps = 20, windspeed_jumps = 15, snowdepth_jumps = 50 )
temporal_coherence( dailydata, meta = NULL, outpath, temp_jumps = 20, windspeed_jumps = 15, snowdepth_jumps = 50 )
dailydata |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 5-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, and the daily value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
temp_jumps |
given a daily maximum or minimum temperature values of two consecutive days, maximum difference in degrees Celsius. By default, temp_jumps = 20 C. |
windspeed_jumps |
given a daily mean wind speed value of two consecutive days, maximum difference in metres per second. By default, wind_jumps = 15 m/s. |
snowdepth_jumps |
given a daily snow depth of two consecutive days, maximum difference in centimetres. By default, snowdepth_jumps = 50 cm. |
The input file must follow the Copernicus Station Exchange Format (SEF).
Alba Gilabert, Yuri Brugnara
temporal_coherence(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir(), temp_jumps = 10)
temporal_coherence(Rosario$Tx, Meta$Tx, outpath = tempdir(), temp_jumps = 10)
Table of available qc tests
Data frame
Table of supported variable codes
Data frame
Applicable to a series (daily or sub-daily) of air pressure, air temperature (ta), dew point temperature (td), wind speed (w). The pressure series can be at mean sea level (mslp) or at station level (p). Flags the records where the observations values exceed the limit values given by WMO (1993).
wmo_gross_errors(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
wmo_gross_errors(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
series |
A character string giving the path of the SEF file, or a five or seven-column (daily or subdaily) data frame with the series. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
A SEF file or a data frame and metadata. The observations data frame must have five or seven columns: variable code, year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), (hour (HH), minute (MM)), observation. The required metadata are the station identifier, the station latitude and variable units.
The WMO gross error limits for air pressure, air temperature, dew point temperature, and wind speed:
For station level pressure the gross error limits are latitude and meteorological season independent (WMO, 1993: VI.7). According to the same reference, for mean sea level pressure, temperature, dew point, and wind speed, the WMO establishes the gross error limits as function of the station latitude and the meteorological season in which the observations were collected.
The tests divide the meteorological seasons in Winter and Summer. So, based on the meteorological calendar for the Northern Hemisphere, which defines seasons as Spring (March, April, May), Summer (June, July, August), Autumn (September, October, November) and Winter (December, January, February), it was here considered:
Northern Hemisphere Winter / Southern Hemisphere Summer - January, February, March, October, November, December;
Northern Hemisphere Summer / Southern Hemisphere Winter - April, May, June, July, August, September.
The gross error limits for each variable divide the flagged values in suspect and erroneous (WMO, 1993: VI.6 - VI.8).
Latitude independent
Meteorological season independent
Station Level Pressure (p):
Suspect: 300 <= p < 400 hPa or 1080 < p <= 1100 hPa
Erroneous: p < 300 or p > 1100 hPa
Latitudes belonging to the interval [-45, +45]
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp)
Suspect: 870 <= mslp < 910 hPa or 1080 < mslp <= 1100 hPa
Erroneous: mslp < 870 hPa or mslp > 1100 hPa
Air Temperature (ta)
Suspect: -40 <= ta < -30 ºC or 50 < ta <= 55 ºC
Erroneous: ta < -40 ºC or ta > 55 ºC
Dew Point Temperature (td)
Suspect: -45 <= td < -35 ºC or 35 < td <= 40 ºC
Erroneous: td < -45 ºC or td > 40 ºC
Wind Speed (w)
Suspect: w > 60 m/s and w <= 125 m/s
Erroneous: w > 125 m/s
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp)
Suspect: 850 <= mslp < 900 hPa or 1080 < mslp <= 1100 hPa
Erroneous: mslp < 850 hPa or mslp > 1100 hPa
Air Temperature (ta)
Suspect: -30 <= ta < -20 ºC or 50 < ta <= 60 ºC
Erroneous: ta < -30 ºC or ta > 60 ºC
Dew Point Temperature (td)
Suspect: -35 <= td < -25 ºC or 35 < td <= 40 ºC
Erroneous: td < -35 ºC or td > 40 ºC
Wind Speed (w)
Suspect: w > 90 m/s and w <= 150 m/s
Erroneous: w > 150 m/s
Latitudes belonging to the interval [-90, -45[ U ]+45, +90]
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp)
Suspect: 910 <= mslp < 940 hPa or 1080 < mslp <= 1100 hPa
Erroneous: mslp < 910 hPa or mslp > 1100 hPa
Air Temperature (ta)
Suspect: -90 <= ta < -80 ºC or 35 < ta <= 40 ºC
Erroneous: ta < -90 ºC or ta > 40 ºC
Dew Point Temperature (td)
Suspect: -99 <= td < -85 ºC or 30 < td <= 35 ºC
Erroneous: td < -99 ºC or td > 35 ºC
Wind Speed (w)
Suspect: w > 50 m/s and w <= 100 m/s
Erroneous: w > 100 m/s
Mean Sea Level Pressure (mslp)
Suspect: 920 <= mslp < 950 hPa or 1080 < mslp <= 1100 hPa
Erroneous: mslp < 920 hPa or mslp > 1100 hPa
Air Temperature (ta)
Suspect: -40 <= ta < -30 ºC or 40 < ta <= 50 ºC
Erroneous: ta < -40 ºC or ta > 50 ºC
Dew Point Temperature (td)
Suspect: -45 <= td < -35 ºC or 35 < td <= 40 ºC
Erroneous: td < -45 ºC or td > 40 ºC
Wind Speed (w)
Suspect values: w > 40 m/s and w <= 75 m/s
Erroneous values: w > 75 m/s
A text file of flagged observations with six or eight columns: variable code, year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), (hour (HH), minute (MM)), observation, test. The test column has the description "gross_errors".
Clara Ventura, Yuri Brugnara
WMO, 1993: Chapter 6 - Quality Control Procedures. Guide on the Global Data-processing System, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, No. 305, VI.1-VI.27, ISBN 92-63-13305-0.
wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$p, meta = Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir()) wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$ta, meta = Meta$ta[which(Meta$p$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir()) wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$td, meta = Meta$td, outpath = tempdir())
wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$p, meta = Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir()) wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$ta, meta = Meta$ta[which(Meta$p$id=="Rosario"),], outpath = tempdir()) wmo_gross_errors(series = Rosario$td, meta = Meta$td, outpath = tempdir())
Applicable to a series of sub-daily air pressure (p, mslp), air temperature (ta) or dew point temperature (td) observations with at least some time intervals between observations less or equal to twelve hours. Flags the records where the observations exceed the WMO suggested tolerances for the temperatures and pressure tendency as function of time period between consecutive reports.
wmo_time_consistency(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
wmo_time_consistency(series, meta = NULL, outpath)
series |
A character string giving the path of the input file, or a 7-column matrix with following columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
meta |
A character vector with 6 elements: station ID, latitude, longitude,
altitude, variable code, units. If |
outpath |
Character string giving the path for the QC results. |
A SEF file or a data frame and metadata. The observations data frame must have seven columns: variable code, year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), hour (HH), minute (MM), observation.
The WMO time consistency test:
WMO suggested tolerances for the temperatures and pressure tendency as function of time period between consecutive reports (WMO, 1993: VI.21):
Parameter | | dt = 1 hour | | dt = 2 hours | | dt = 3 hours | | dt = 6 hours | | dt = 12 hours |
ta_tol | 4 ºC | 7 ºC | 9 ºC | 15 ºC | 25 ºC |
td_tol | 4 ºC | 6 ºC | 8 ºC | 12 ºC | 20 ºC |
pp_tol | 3 hPa | 6 hPa | 9 hPa | 18 hPa | 36 hPa |
The temperatures tolerance - ta_tol and td_tol - considered for 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 hours is given by the table above.
The pressure tolerance p_tol is determined for time intervals belonging to [1, 12] hours, assuming that there is a linear variation of 3 hPa per hour, based in the table above.
Time consistency test (WMO, 1993: VI.21):
The flag, correspondent to suspect values, is always associated with two consecutive observations within twelve hours.
A text file of flagged observations with eight columns: variable code, year, month, day, hour, minute, value, test. The test column has the description "wmo_time_consistency".
Clara Ventura, Yuri Brugnara
WMO, 1993: Chapter 6 - Quality Control Procedures. Guide on the Global Data-processing System, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, No. 305, VI.1-VI.27, ISBN 92-63-13305-0.
wmo_time_consistency(series = Bern$p, meta = Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Bern"),], outpath = tempdir())
wmo_time_consistency(series = Bern$p, meta = Meta$p[which(Meta$p$id=="Bern"),], outpath = tempdir())
Add quality flags to a data file in Station Exchange Format version 1.0.0
write_flags(infile, qcfile, outpath, note = "", match = TRUE)
write_flags(infile, qcfile, outpath, note = "", match = TRUE)
infile |
Character string giving the path of the SEF file. |
qcfile |
Character string giving the path of the file with the quality flags as produced with the QC tests. This file must have 6 (8) tab-separated columns for daily (sub-daily) data: variable code, year, month, day, (hour), (minute), value, semicolon(';')-separated failed tests. |
outpath |
Character string giving the output path. |
note |
Character string to be added to the end of the name of the input file to form the output filename. It will be separated from the rest of the name by an underscore. Blanks will be also replaced by underscores. If not specified, input and output filenames will be identical. |
match |
Write the flags only if the values in the qc file are identical to those in the SEF file (default to TRUE). |
The data will be converted to the standard units adopted by the qc. An exception is made for cloud cover (oktas will not be converted).
If match
is set to FALSE, the flags will be added to the dates given
in the qc files without checking that the entries in the Value column correspond.
This can be useful when there have been minor changes to the SEF file
(for instance, a different rounding) after the quality control was applied,
but can lead to overflagging when hour and minute values are missing.
Yuri Brugnara
Write data in Station Exchange Format version 1.0.0
write_sef( Data, outpath, variable, cod, nam = "", lat = "", lon = "", alt = "", sou = "", link = "", units, stat, metaHead = "", meta = "", period = "", time_offset = 0, note = "", keep_na = FALSE, outfile = NA )
write_sef( Data, outpath, variable, cod, nam = "", lat = "", lon = "", alt = "", sou = "", link = "", units, stat, metaHead = "", meta = "", period = "", time_offset = 0, note = "", keep_na = FALSE, outfile = NA )
Data |
A data frame with 6 variables in this order: year, month, day, hour, minute, value. |
outpath |
Character string giving the output path (note that the filename is generated from the source identifier, station code, start and end dates, and variable code). |
variable |
Variable code. This is a required field. |
cod |
Station code. This is a required field. |
nam |
Station name. |
lat |
Station latitude (degrees North in decimal). |
lon |
Station longitude (degreees East in decimal). |
alt |
Station altitude (metres). |
sou |
Character string giving the source identifier. |
link |
Character string giving an url for metadata (e.g., link to the C3S Data Rescue registry). |
units |
Character string giving the units. This is a required field. |
stat |
Character string giving the statistic code. This is a required field. |
metaHead |
Character string giving metadata entries for the header (pipe separated). |
meta |
Character vector with length equal to the number of rows
of |
period |
Observation time period code. Must be a character vector with
length equal to the number of rows of |
time_offset |
Numerical vector of offsets from UTC in hours. This value will be subtracted from the observation times to obtain UTC times, so for instance the offset of Central European Time is +1 hour. Recycled for all observations if only one value is given. |
note |
Character string to be added to the end of the standard output filename. It will be separated from the rest of the name by an underscore. Blanks will be also replaced by underscores. |
keep_na |
If FALSE (the default), lines where observations are NA are removed. |
outfile |
Output filename. If specified, ignores |
Times in SEF files must be expressed in UTC.
If outfile
is not specified, the output filename is generated
automatically as sou
Yuri Brugnara
# Create a basic SEF file for air temperature in Bern # (assuming the observation times are in mean local solar time) meta_bern <- Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id == "Bern"), ] write_sef(Bern$ta[, 2:7], outpath = tempdir(), variable = "ta", cod = meta_bern$id, nam = "Bern", lat = meta_bern$lat, lon = meta_bern$lon, alt = meta_bern$alt, units = meta_bern$units, stat = "point", period = "0", time_offset = meta_bern$lon * 24 / 360)
# Create a basic SEF file for air temperature in Bern # (assuming the observation times are in mean local solar time) meta_bern <- Meta$ta[which(Meta$ta$id == "Bern"), ] write_sef(Bern$ta[, 2:7], outpath = tempdir(), variable = "ta", cod = meta_bern$id, nam = "Bern", lat = meta_bern$lat, lon = meta_bern$lon, alt = meta_bern$alt, units = meta_bern$units, stat = "point", period = "0", time_offset = meta_bern$lon * 24 / 360)